An unexpected answer to a question
Updated: Jan 19, 2022
During my free time, I enjoy preparing students from all over the world for the high school independent school interviewing process. Today, I was working with a student and I asked a question that I've asked many times before.
"If you could go to dinner with anyone from today, or someone that has passed away, or even an imaginary person, who would you invite?"
Today, the student gave me an answer that really brought tears to my eyes. The student said, "God." I said ok, tell me more.
This student went on to say, "I would want to go to dinner with God and ask Him, what exactly is Your plan for the world? Why do people go to war? Why are there people dying by not being able to breathe from Covid-19?"
As you know, my mother, Sheila A. Lee, lost her battle with Covid-19 in October of 2021. I can only imagine what it was like as she and others dealt with a shortness of breath and a permanent tightness in their chest, until they could no longer grasp for air.
The answer to this question shook me! I’ve been asking myself the same questions since the passing of my mother. My questions are asked in anger and bitterness at times. But, I ask these questions nonetheless To God. How could it be Your plan God to take someone in such a way from a family that loves them? How could You have Your plan be so hurtful?
As I did my best to remain composed during this Zoom Mock Interview… the student said,
”Mr. Lee, I’d like you to join me for this dinner with God, so that we can both ask God our questions.”
