Everything you need to start understanding your school’s diversity.
Creating General Awareness to the Cause
By leveraging our network of professionals with that of your school’s, we create unfounded awareness for diversity and inclusion amongst your student body.
Diversity and Inclusion Training Sessions
It’s not enough to just say it, we help ensure your entire organization understands the concepts and vitality of inclusion and diversity programming through diversity and inclusions training sessions.
Garner Social Media Traction
Through vigorous research and networking our team will help further create awareness for inclusion by utilizing our social media expertise.
Periodic Talks with Stakeholders
Once the momentum starts, we need to ensure it keeps going. We meet with your stakeholders periodically to discuss new strategies, tactics, and programs.
Don’t miss out on the BLAC Letter
A weekly email with tips, stories, and tactics for students of color, by a student of color.
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